Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I'm going to be traveling around a little bit in the next few weeks, so I don't really know how often I'm going to be able to post here and eave random stories around the internet. But only time will tell and we'll just have to sit through it then. I'll try to keep you guys up to date of where I am and what I'm doing. I'm thinking about just hanging out in Scandinavia plus Germany (although many consider it to be part of Scandinavia). But anyways, let's get to some questions you're all probably dying to know.

How's everything going?
It's hectic over here. I'm still awake at 1:00AM central European time. Packing up all the belongings I brought and bought here over the course of ten months. Lots of memories. Lots to throw away. Lots I want to keep and probably shouldn't.
That plus working everyday from 6:30 in the morning to 2:00 in the afternoon. It's not hard work, but it's just time consuming. I have been wanting to do my own little thing, but with having limited internet and limited time, everything's become a lot more of a challenge.
I'll try to keep writing, but I'll be posting a lot more infrequently. I hope to get some stuff edited and posted for #thursdaytales over at the io9 forums. Maybe a short story or two that I can try to get published in a couple of magazines. I'll try to keep up with Roger and his box over at CCC, but I feel like I'm starting to lose some steam on that project. I'll try to find the juices once again though. They're somewhere deep in the recesses of my mind, as are the ideas for many other stories. I just have to release the flood gates and let them out.

Do you know where you're going?
I'm not set on any set itinerary, but I can say that I know where want to be in this next month. Tomorrow I leave for Stockholm via the train. Stay there a few days. Then fly to Oslo and visit a friend in southeastern Norway for a few days. After that, work my way towards Berlin where I have been invited to visit another friend. I hope to see a lot and find a lot of inspiration on my travels.

When are you going home?
I'll be home (in the States) mid-August.

What are you doing when you get back to the States?
Good question! As of now, I don't have any concrete plans once I get back. Need to start working on those. Need to find an apartment. Need to find a job. Need to find myself again.

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