Monday, October 17, 2011

[WoD] Big Distractor #2: Sinful Social Network Sites

Yes, you read the title correctly. Social network sites are full of sin. They steal a great deal of time away from me (and maybe you as well). When I get into them, I just get carried away, and I could easily spend hours jumping from one to another to another and back again. They’re great for procrastinating. However, they are not quite so helpful when you need to get any actual work done. Since I’m taking on distractions this month, this has to be on my list. And it’s on spot number two. Right next to television. 

In preparing myself for NaNoWriMo, I need to start thinking about where I can scratch up any extra time for writing my novel. I'm already working on slashing away at the hours of television each week, but another extra hour or two each day could give me the extra padding to reach my ultimate word county by the end of November. Unfortunately, this means I will need to somehow cut back on my social networking time.

My plan for keeping on track: Spend only an hour a day max for social networking. How will I do that? I don’t know yet. Perhaps I’ll divide up the time and spend an equal amount of time on each site. Or maybe I could skim through them quick and spend more time on the site that has more stuff going on. 

All I know now is that I can't live without social networks. It's where I get some of my better ideas. Plus, checking the NaNoWriMo forums from time to time can help in one way or another. If you need help with a character problem, you can likely find a solution there. Need a push to keep on going? Just read through some of the other Wrimos who are in front of or behind you. I plan on using it mainly for  the push. I don't like the feeling of running out of writing fuel. Let me make a promise now though. These will keep coming out everyday. Even if it's the only thing I do for the whole day. So stay tuned for more in future.

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